Every Coffee Lover's Paradise

Redefining the World of Coffee

Coffee Excellence Since 1951

It is not an exaggeration when we say that, at Fresh Peak Coffee we manufacture roasted coffee beans and filter coffee powder and has been exporting and trading green coffee beans since 1951. Currently, at the fifth generation in the coffee-making world with the motto of redefining coffee in everyday household and with customers travelling with us throughout generations, we are sure that you would choose us every day! Welcome to our coffee shop, where coffee is a bit beyond coffee!



Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee : 60% Chicory : 40%


Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee : 70% Chicory : 30%



Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee : 80% Chicory : 20%



Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee : 80% Chicory : 20%



Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee : 100%


Pure Filter Coffee Beans
Coffee : 100%

Coffee Varieties


Be it Monday, mid-week or Sunday where you would experience a pre-Monday crisis, you would be in dire need of a self-pampering session. That's why we recommend coffee made with our Royal Pure Filter Coffee Powder! With every sip, you are sure to delve into the depths of royalty!
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Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee 80% & Chicory 20%

Premium coffee for premium customers like you! The moment you get up, you wish all the goodness in the world to bless you for the best successful day ahead. And, we know exactly how to invite goodness! It starts with every sip of coffee made with our premium pure filter coffee powder!
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Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee 80% & Chicory 20%

Embrace the day's promise with a cup of exceptional coffee, crafted from Ultra Premium, pure filter coffee powder. Each sip is an invitation to seize the day's blessings and embark on a journey of success. Let our Ultra Premium coffee be your catalyst for an extraordinary day.
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Pure Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee 70% & Chicory 30%

Few friends are constant, just like the presence of coffee in your life! It is one important reason to give them the constant taste in every coffee you make for them. With our Rich Pure Filter Coffee Powder, your every tea party is a hit!
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Filter Coffee Powder
Coffee 60% & Chicory 40%r

Be it your mom or your favourite cousin, when they surprise you at your home, you would want to tell them how much love you have for them in your heart. But, there is a problem; your love could not be accommodated within words. That's why we recommend you our authentic pure coffee powder! Express your love with every sip of Lite Pure Filter Coffee Powder!
Click Here
Roasted Coffee Beans

Are you a person who grabs coffee mug more than your phone? Do you feel your day is incomplete if your senses aren't blessed with the grounded fragrance of roasted coffee beans? With our roasted coffee beans , you are sure to experience real coffee in real-time!
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Just like every other coffee lover, our founding fathers were too in search of the perfect magic potion called coffee. It was tedious. Sometimes, they settled for less but the search never ended. Until that one day. It was a beautiful day with an aromatic cup of coffee adding more grace, making our forefathers wonder if they could do anything to enhance the world of coffee with no compromise on its authenticity. That’s how our coffee world happened we are currently the 5th generation serving coffee lovers like you and us!


  • Smarter Brain Action
  • Burns Fat
  • Your Physical Activities will improve
  • Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Protection from Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s and certain cancers
  • Enhanced protection for your liver
  • Better Moods
  • Longer life expectancy



09:00 – 24:00


09:00 – 24:00

The beyond perfect texture

Experience the Taste

Whatever is your description of a perfect coffee with the celebrated consistent taste throughout the years, come and experience the taste of real coffee with us. We are sure that you would multiply your purchase with us in the shortest span of time!

Years of Service
0 +
Varieties of Coffee Powders
0 +
Pure and Hygiene
0 %
Tasty and Healthy
0 %